Quangzhou Milk Oolong

from $10.00

With its captivating buttery aroma and delicate orchid notes, this premium oolong is a sensory delight. The smooth-textured infusion unveils a gentle and milky flavor that perfectly complements the tea's enchanting bouquet.



REGION: Fujian Province

AROMA: Rich and creamy with brisk vegetal notes

INFUSION: Golden tending greenish

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
85ºC/185ºF for 3 mins. for first infusion (4 mins. for second infusion)

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With its captivating buttery aroma and delicate orchid notes, this premium oolong is a sensory delight. The smooth-textured infusion unveils a gentle and milky flavor that perfectly complements the tea's enchanting bouquet.



REGION: Fujian Province

AROMA: Rich and creamy with brisk vegetal notes

INFUSION: Golden tending greenish

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
85ºC/185ºF for 3 mins. for first infusion (4 mins. for second infusion)

With its captivating buttery aroma and delicate orchid notes, this premium oolong is a sensory delight. The smooth-textured infusion unveils a gentle and milky flavor that perfectly complements the tea's enchanting bouquet.



REGION: Fujian Province

AROMA: Rich and creamy with brisk vegetal notes

INFUSION: Golden tending greenish

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
85ºC/185ºF for 3 mins. for first infusion (4 mins. for second infusion)

Embark on the Enchanting Journey of Milk Oolong: Where should we begin with this extraordinary tea? Shall we share the captivating legends surrounding its origin? Shall we delve into the intricate process of its production? Or shall we indulge in poetic praise for its luscious flavor? Perhaps, we shall do all three. Let's start with a mesmerizing legend.

Legends speak of the remarkable milky flavor of this tea, attributed to a sudden temperature shift during harvest—a truly rare occurrence. Centuries ago, the tale goes, the moon fell in love with a passing comet. As comets do, it swiftly passed, burning out and disappearing. Filled with sorrow, the moon unleashed a powerful wind that swept through hills and valleys, causing a sudden drop in temperature. The next morning, local tea pluckers gathered fresh leaves, only to discover that the processed tea possessed an enchanting milky character. It was believed to be a gift from the nurturing spirit of the moon. (Weird flex, but okay.)

Now, let's explore the meticulous production of Milk Oolong. Like all Oolongs, it is considered a semi-fermented tea, falling between the realms of black and green teas. Although some aspects of production have evolved, the methods have remained largely unchanged. Tea leaves are carefully plucked from gardens nestled between 500 to 1200 meters above sea level, typically between March and December. The plucked leaves are then withered in precisely controlled, air-conditioned rooms until they reach the desired level of fermentation. The fermented tea leaves undergo meticulous sorting and steaming over hot fire. Finally, the tea is meticulously dried, sorted again to ensure leaf quality, and packed. Each year, only a limited quantity—around 80,000 kg—is produced, with approximately 60,000 kg destined for the global market.

And now, let's immerse ourselves in the poetic description of its exceptional flavor. Picture, if you will, the embodiment of velvet transformed into liquid, seamlessly blended with a delicate, sweet cream. With every sip, you find yourself descending into a deep well of blooming orchids—a truly dream-like experience. But don't just imagine it, brew a pot and let the milky dreaminess of this tea envelop your senses. Its profound character will leave an indelible impression—an extraordinary tea that transcends expectations.

Discover the magic of Milk Oolong, where legends, craftsmanship, and sublime flavor unite to create an exquisite tea-drinking experience.

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