Irish Breakfast

from $5.00

The bold and sturdy essence of a stout blend, crafted from the finest February Kenya BP1 and 2nd flush Assam teas. This remarkable combination delivers a superb full-bodied experience, unveiling a harmonious fusion of spicy and malty notes. Prepare to embark on a flavor journey that exudes strength and character, leaving a lasting impression with every sip.


ORIGIN: Kenya/India

REGION: Nandi Highlands/Assam

AROMA: Earthy and malty notes

INFUSION: Radiant copper

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 3-5 mins.

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The bold and sturdy essence of a stout blend, crafted from the finest February Kenya BP1 and 2nd flush Assam teas. This remarkable combination delivers a superb full-bodied experience, unveiling a harmonious fusion of spicy and malty notes. Prepare to embark on a flavor journey that exudes strength and character, leaving a lasting impression with every sip.


ORIGIN: Kenya/India

REGION: Nandi Highlands/Assam

AROMA: Earthy and malty notes

INFUSION: Radiant copper

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 3-5 mins.

The bold and sturdy essence of a stout blend, crafted from the finest February Kenya BP1 and 2nd flush Assam teas. This remarkable combination delivers a superb full-bodied experience, unveiling a harmonious fusion of spicy and malty notes. Prepare to embark on a flavor journey that exudes strength and character, leaving a lasting impression with every sip.


ORIGIN: Kenya/India

REGION: Nandi Highlands/Assam

AROMA: Earthy and malty notes

INFUSION: Radiant copper

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 3-5 mins.

Prepare to be surprised: the Irish hold the title for consuming the highest amount of tea per capita on our planet, with the average Irish citizen enjoying approximately six cups a day. Notably, these cups of tea are renowned for their strength, so much so that one might consider them sturdy enough to support an upright spoon. Indeed, the Irish preference leans towards a robust cup of tea. To cater to this taste, tea blenders sourcing for the Irish market acquire top-quality seasonal teas from Assam and Kenya.

The Assam teas utilized in this Irish blend are carefully selected from the finest Second Flush production, which occurs during the month of June when tea growth is at its peak. These teas bestow a deep malty character upon the cup, accompanied by pronounced layers of astringency that lend a drying sensation, almost as if one could chew the tea. (This is akin to the effect of a very dry wine that causes a puckering sensation.) Complementing the Assam component are the Kenyan teas, chosen from either February or August, when the leaves exhibit the most flavorful seasonal quality. These Kenyan teas contribute a vibrant coppery color and an enchanting array of floral notes, adding complexity and depth to each sip.

As with many teas, the longer you brew this particular blend, the stronger it becomes. If you're Irish, you'll likely allow it to steep for a generous amount of time and then add a wee splash of milk. Milk, when added to a strong tea like this, helps temper the tannins and reduce any potential bitterness that might characterize some robust teas. A spirited debate rages from Dublin to Tipperary regarding the order in which milk should be added – before or after the tea? The milk-first camp argues that adding milk after pouring hot tea may cause scalding, thus advocating for adding milk first to allow it to warm as the tea is poured. The milk-last devotees contend that the best way to gauge the perfect amount of milk is by pouring it last. (Non-milk users find the whole discussion rather amusing.) Regardless of the milk addition timing, this blend remains undeniably strong.

Enjoy this potent blend in the morning alongside toast or a traditional Irish "fry-up!" to kickstart your day with a robust and invigorating cup of tea.

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