French Lavender

from $5.00

A subtle pungency and a distinct, floral perfume character. The taste is not overpowering but carries a gentle presence, allowing the senses to appreciate its unique attributes.

INGREDIENTS: Lavender flowers

ORIGIN: France

REGION: Provence

AROMA: Floral and woodsy with soft, smoky notes

INFUSION: Pale or faded thistle

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 5+ mins.

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A subtle pungency and a distinct, floral perfume character. The taste is not overpowering but carries a gentle presence, allowing the senses to appreciate its unique attributes.

INGREDIENTS: Lavender flowers

ORIGIN: France

REGION: Provence

AROMA: Floral and woodsy with soft, smoky notes

INFUSION: Pale or faded thistle

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 5+ mins.

A subtle pungency and a distinct, floral perfume character. The taste is not overpowering but carries a gentle presence, allowing the senses to appreciate its unique attributes.

INGREDIENTS: Lavender flowers

ORIGIN: France

REGION: Provence

AROMA: Floral and woodsy with soft, smoky notes

INFUSION: Pale or faded thistle

1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water
100ºC/212ºF for 5+ mins.

The lavender fields of Provence evoke a sense of tranquility and beauty, with their captivating aroma filling the air. Lavender flowers, carefully gathered during their early bloom, hold a special place in perfumery and infusion making. Delicate and fragrant, lavender is cherished for its agreeable floral flavor.

Herbalists have long recommended lavender for its potential medicinal properties. It is believed to aid in relieving migraines, soothing digestive spasms, and addressing certain respiratory issues. Furthermore, lavender is known for its calming effects on the nervous system. Infusing lavender in hot water creates a soothing herbal infusion that can be enjoyed for its aromatic and therapeutic qualities.

Lavender's uses extend beyond internal consumption. As a local anesthetic, it can be applied directly to cuts, bruises, or sprains as a compress. For bee stings, a sachet containing lavender petals soaked in hot water can help alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Lavender also adds a touch of luxury to bathing rituals, reminiscent of ancient Roman practices where lavender was highly esteemed for its aromatic properties.

Creating a vinegar-based cleansing lotion with lavender can enhance bathwater and serve as a fragrant hair rinse after shampooing. Allowing lavender to infuse in cider vinegar for a week creates a refreshing and sweet-scented mixture.

In addition to its aromatic and therapeutic uses, lavender has natural pesticide properties. Rubbing lavender essential oil on wooden surfaces, such as cabinets and cupboards, can help repel mites and flies. Placing dried lavender flowers in cloth sachets and hanging them in wardrobes and linen closets acts as a natural deterrent against insects and mites.

The versatility of lavender makes it a cherished herb, with its delicate blooms and intoxicating fragrance bringing beauty and functionality into our lives.

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